May 13
Convocation with Mona Chalabi: “Taking the Numb Out of Numbers”
Mona Chalabi is a journalist who really loves numbers. She is the Data Editor of The Guardian where she writes articles, produces documentaries, and illustrates and animates data. After analyzing statistics for the United Nations, Chalabi saw how important data was, but also how easily it could be used by people with their own specific agendas. Since then, her work for organizations like Transparency International and The Guardian has had one goal: to make sure as many people as possible can find and question the data they need to make informed decisions about their lives.
With an inimitable visual style that strays far from cold and clinical graphs and charts, Chalabi has built a career highlighting neglected information through her striking data illustrations.
This convocation is sponsored by the Class of '57 Visiting Scholars for Interdisciplinary Studies fund along with a grant from the Mellon Foundation.
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