Oct 7
Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club
Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club
Tom Fabel '68
Bringing Local History To The Stage
Thursday, October 7, 2021
8:00 a.m. Central Time
via Zoom
How does a retired attorney morph into a playwright more than 50 years following his departure from Carleton? In this talk, Tom will discuss his two plays that are being produced on St. Paul stages during October: Obscenity On Trial: The Case Against Dr. Charles Malchow at the Landmark Center Theater on October 7, 8, and 10; andNot in Our Neighborhood (co-written with Eric Wood) at the History Theatre October 14-24. Obscenity On Trial concerns the 1904 prosecution of a medical school professor for his authorship of an explicit sexual book intended for professionals, and Not In Our Neighborhood concerns an incident of vicious housing discrimination against a distinguished African American couple in 1924.
Cost: None.
Register by Wednesday, October 6 to participate in this Zoom meeting.
Unable to join our live event? No problem—we will post a recording of the event on our Alumni Digital Community page.
Questions? Contact Alumni Relations via email or 800-729-2586. To join the Carleton Breakfast Club email list, email alumni-office@carleton.edu and indicate you would like to be added to the Carleton Breakfast club email list.
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