Feb 3
(Un)knowing the Inca Imperial Economy
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Kylie Quave is an assistant professor of writing and of anthropology at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. As an anthropological archaeologist studying imperialism and colonialism in the South American Andes, she brings together excavations of rural villages with archival documents and archaeometric analysis of material culture. Her interests are in identity formation, social and economic inequalities, and incorporating pluralistic perspectives on the past. Currently, she is collaborating on the “Fragments of an Imperial Economy” project, which takes previously excavated pottery collections in the Cuzco region of Peru and seeks to categorize attributes of technological style to reconstruct Inka imperial economic transformations. Her work has been published recently in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Advances in Archaeological Practice, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, and Qillqana: Revista arqueológica del Cusco.
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