Apr 28
Staff Collective for Change: Spring Dialogue #1
Thu, April 28, 2022
• 11:00am
- 12:00pm (1h) • Zoom Meeting
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Staff Collective for Change: Conversations to Empower Antiracist Action (formerly known as SARAE) is a group welcoming all members of the Carleton staff community to participate in dialogue sparked by selected media that centers issues of racism. The dialogue events will take place in a series each term, and one can choose to attend all or a select number of the events.
Our topic for Spring Term will be the Characteristics of White Supremacy. Please review the following media sources prior to our session:
For Session #1, we will focus on three characteristics: defensiveness, sense of urgency, and perfectionism. Supplementary resources on these characteristics are linked on our website. You may also review our discussion questions prior to the session.
Zoom Link: https://carleton.zoom.us/j/98425156583?pwd=Yy9HTXBPUTBsK212ZEREWnZRZzdwQT09
Meeting ID: 984 2515 6583
Passcode: 553545
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