Music Fees

Payment for Music Lessons and Art Fees are due 2 weeks from the time the charge is posted to the students account. If payment is not received on time, the student’s account could be put on hold for Registration and Transcript Requests.

The Department of Music offers private lessons in applied music. The music fee per term for individual instruction in all instruments, and use of practice facilities is listed below.

NOTE: Junior and senior music majors receive up to 4 credits per term of lessons free of charge.

2024-2025 Music Lesson Fees

  • $396.00 per term for weekly (normally 9) half-hour lessons/1 credit per term
  • $792.00 per term for weekly (normally 9) one hour lessons/2 credits per term
  • $109.00 per term for Guitar and African Drum Classes 

Students on financial aid who experience difficulty in meeting the cost of private lessons, please contact the Student Financial Aid Office to inquire about eligibility for a Music Lesson Scholarship.

Art Fees

Many art classes require consumable materials and supplies which are not included in the comprehensive fee.  Special fees may apply to these classes. Departmental scholarships are available by contacting the Art Department. Please contact the Student Financial Aid Office for financial assistance (507-222-4138).

Student Health Insurance

Payment for  Student Health Insurance is due in the term the insurance starts (August 15th for Fall Term, December 15th for Winter Term, and March 15th for Spring Term). If payment is not received on time, the student’s account could be put on hold for Registration and Transcript Requests.

Student health insurance is available at an additional cost for those students not covered by another plan (proof of health insurance is required). Please contact the Student Financial Aid Office for financial assistance (507-222-4138).

Miscellaneous Charges (Examples Listed Below)

Payment for Miscellaneous Charges are due at the time the charge is posted to the students account. If payment is not received within 5 business days, the student’s account could be put on hold for Registration and Transcript Requests.

  • Parking Permits
  • Parking Tickets
  • Library Fines
  • Residential Life Charges
  • Department Charges
  • Adding a New Meal Plan
  • Post Office Charges
  • Returned Payments/Reject Fees
  • Facilities Charges
  • Student Health & Counseling Charges
  • etc.

Non-Carleton Off-Campus Studies

Students participating in non-Carleton off-campus programs will be assessed a $500 administrative fee. The fee will be charged to the student’s Carleton student account after the Off-Campus Studies Petition has been approved.

Off-Campus Independent Study

For off-campus independent study, including summer reading not required for a fall term course, the fee for each two credits or fraction thereof is the tuition for one credit during the academic year in which the credit is granted. Credit by examination and off-campus internships are charged on the same basis.


Student accounts are regarded as delinquent and subject to penalty if payments are not made at the specified times, or if arrangements have not been made for later payment. A student will not be permitted to register for the following term until his or her account has been cleared by the Business Office. The student will be withdrawn from the College if the Business Office has a financial block on the student’s account for a prior term’s past due balance. The student will not be permitted to return to campus when classes start for the upcoming term unless the account has been paid in full.

College policies on deposits and refunds apply to off-campus studies; in addition for Carleton Off-Campus Seminars, a $500.00 penalty is assessed for late withdrawals before the start of the program plus any costs incurred on their behalf. See the Off-Campus Studies Policy on withdrawal for Carleton Off-Campus Seminars which is part of the Carleton College Off-Campus Study Agreement Form.