Prior to Commencement

  • Student Account Balance:  Must be paid in full prior to Commencement.  Please log on to the Hub to view your student account statement and pay the balance due.
  • Residential Life Charges:  Avoid miscellaneous charges assessed by Residential Life when departing campus by following Residential Life’s room cleaning and garbage disposal, guidelines.
  • Other Miscellaneous Charges:  Avoid additional charges by returning all library books, athletic equipment, room/house keys, music keys, facilities keys, etc.
  • Update Contact Information:  Please update your address, phone number, email address, etc. before leaving campus.  Provide your new information by email to
  • Education Loans:  Complete all necessary Exit Interview requirements.  Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at or Student Accounts at for additional information.

After Commencement

  • Bank Account:  Please verify and update your “Payment Elections” in Workday.  This bank account should remain open until August 15th of your senior year.  Note:  All payroll, student account credit balances and other possible refunds will be processed by July 31st of your senior year by direct deposit only.
  • Update Contact Information:  When changes occur to your address, phone number or email address after you leave campus, provide this new information to us in the Alumni Directory, or email your changes to 

Note:  Carleton needs your contact information in order to provide you with important tax forms (W-2 and 1098T) as well as alumni news and event information.

  • W-2 Tax Form and 1098-T Tuition Statement Tax Form: Available on the Hub by January 31st of the new year. Please log on to The Hub using your existing username and password. Contact Carleton’s Office of Alumni Relations at if you need help with your Hub password.
  • Note: In order to access your tax forms electronically, please complete W-2 Electronic Consent and 1098 Electronic Consent on the Hub. If you do not complete the Electronic Consents your tax forms will be mailed to your address on file.

Student Account, Perkins, Henry Strong and Institutional Loan Questions:

Candace Koen


Payroll and International Student Questions:

Shari Mayer                                    