You are here: Campus > Web Builders > Course Pages

Creating Course-Specific Pages


When creating pages for a course, you have pretty much free reign over the content, within the restrictions of Carleton's web policy. You can use the standard departmental templates if you wish, or design a look that is appropriate to your particular course.


File Structure

Because there are so many course-related pages, it's important that we store them on the server in an orderly way -- otherwise they would become hard to find and maintain. We've established a basic structure for course pages that you should follow when creating your own.

Within the /curricular/ directory on the server are directories for each academic department, named using the four-letter codes that the Registrar uses to identify the departments. Thus, the directory for Music is /curricular/MUSC/, the directory for Religion is /curricular/RELG/, etc.

Within each departmental directory is a directory called /classes/, which is intended to contain course-specific pages. Now, the pages can't just be all thrown into that directory, or they'd get a mixed up, so each course gets its own directory within /classes/, named with the department code and course number.

For example, the full location for a Religion 110 course page would be:


Finally, if the same course is offered frequently, and you don't want to replace the pages for an older course right away, you can put your actual course pages in directories named according to the term the course is offered.

For example, the full location for a Religion 110 course page offered in Fall 1998 would be:


If you use these conventions consistently, your students will have less trouble finding your pages, and you'll find it easy to keep track of the pages for all of your different courses. Even if your department doesn't currently have a lot of course pages, it's important to use this structure to allow room for future growth.

If you have questions about where your course pages should go in the web structure, please contact your computing coordinator.


Last modified: Monday, 28-Aug-2000 12:43:07 CDT
by Mark F. Heiman,