Any bio-related study abroad program or course can count toward one elective credit in the Biology major. This is true for all study abroad programs related to biology or that include a biology-focused course. Students can only receive one elective credit from OCS work, regardless of how many biology-related courses they take.

To receive the elective credit in the major you need to fill out this form, have it signed by the department chair after you return from your OCS program, and submit it to the Registrar’s office. If you are unsure whether an OCS course will count toward the biology elective you can discuss it with the OCS office, your academic advisor, or the Biology department chair.

More information on credit for OCS programs can be found on the OCS website.

The OCS office Student Portal contains a directory of programs students have participated in over the years along with opportunities especially recommended by Carleton.


Photo: Students and teachers on in Oaxaca, Mexico on the Food, Forests, and Resilience OCS program.