Third annual NeuroNex Undergraduate Practicum in Bioluminescence

11 November 2019

This week-long immersive Practicum introduces undergraduate students to bioluminescence and how this natural phenomenon can be used to control and image brain cells for new neuroscience applications. Tentative dates are March 22-27, 2020.

The practicum is an intensive, hands-on experience investigated bioluminescence with a multifaceted approach. Students will examine this phenomenon from organismal, animal behavior, molecular biology, chemistry, physics, and neuroscience perspectives.

Full support will be provided for tuition, housing, meals, approved travel expenses, reading materials, and laboratory supplies for accepted students.

The Practicum is suited for motivated and ambitious juniors. Some STEM background is helpful, but not required. Students from groups underrepresented in STEM fields are especially encouraged to apply. The application deadline is December 1, 2019. For more information, visit their website: