Physics of Life is an intense two-week summer school for undergraduates. Held on the Princeton University campus, this year’s session will be June 19-30, 2023.
The school is sponsored by the Center for the Physics of Biological Function (CPBF), and NSF Physics Frontiers Center, which is a partnership between Princeton and The CUNY Graduate Center. There is no cost, and all local expenses will be covered.
The school is lively and interactive. Bringing the physicists’ perspective to the beautiful and complex phenomena of life is exciting, and we have a large group of faculty who will be communicating this excitement to the students with lectures, seminars, and hands-on exercises. At the same time, we try to reinforce and fill in background material, both in physics and in biology. Examples will be drawn from a wide range of biological systems, across all scales from molecules to animal behavior, and this diversity of topics is tied together by the search for underlying physical principles. Discover more information and apply today. Application is due March 31.