Posts tagged with “Summer REUs & Internships” (All posts)
The Harvard-Amgen Scholars Program is a ten-week faculty mentored residential summer research program for undergraduates in biotechnology. Through this program, a diverse cohort of undergraduates will have the opportunity to work in…
REU in STEM Education at North Dakota State University
22 November 2021We are excited to announce the 9th year of our summer REU in discipline-based education at North Dakota State University. Our program is an excellent opportunity for students interested in…
UC NSF REU in Sensory Ecology
16 November 2021The University of Cincinnati is now accepting applications for their REU in Sensory Ecology, to be held May 31- August 5.
REU in Cancun
8 November 2021Northern Illinois University, Northeastern Illinois University, and the Yucatan Center for Scientific Research are offering a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) for the Summer of 2022. Participants will work with faculty…
Opportunities at the Stowers Institute
2 November 2021The Stowers Institute is a non-profit biomedical research organization dedicated to improving human health by studying the fundamental processes of life. The Graduate School of the Stowers Institute has three…
Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow (CAST) Program
2 November 2021To advance climate adaptation science and increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM fields, the Climate Adaptation Scientists of Tomorrow Program brings undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty together with…
Educational Opportunities at the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History
2 November 2021Applications are now being accepted for the RGGS Comparative Biology Ph.D. program, Graduate Student Fellowship program, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program, the Gerstner Scholars in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, and the Master of Arts in Teaching program.…
Summer research programBroad Summer Research Program (BSRP) – BSRP offers students an opportunity to conduct intensive research in a collaborative community. Participants spend the summer in Cambridge performing original computational…
MDI Biological Laboratory REU
18 October 2021The MDI Biological Laboratory’s REU program aims to engage students in scientific explorations in the Laboratory’s research focus area, Comparative Regenerative Biology and Aging, while providing them with opportunities to build…
Interns (up to 2) will assist in implementing mussel surveys and monitoring in selected streams, rivers and lakes in Minnesota, to provide dive safety support, assist with laboratory propagation and…
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- Summer REUs & Internships (Current Category)