Posts tagged with “Summer REUs & Internships” (All posts)
Kolenkow-Reitz Fellowship for Summer Research
8 January 2020Receive research support to work with faculty at another institution through the Kolenkow-Reitz Fellowship. Applications for summer break fellowships are due at 5 PM on Friday, February 21, 2020.
Shannon Point Marine Center’s Summer 2020 REU
7 January 2020Shannon Point Marine Center’s REU site will support guided, independent research across multiple fields of marine science, including marine microbial ecology; physiology, ecology and morphology of marine invertebrates, and environmental toxicology. Application materials are due February 13, 2020. Find more details on the program and application here.
Fort Johnson REU Program at Grice Marine Lab Summer 2020
25 November 2019The Fort Johnson Summer REU is a 10-week internship combining independent research with activities to promote career development and science communication skills focused “Resilience and Response of Marine Organisms to Environmental Change”. Application deadline is February 14, 2020. For more information visit their website here.
ARCHES program at Georgetown School of Medicine
12 November 2019Apply now for the 2020 Dean for Medical Education’s Academy for Research, Clinical, and Health Equity Scholarship (ARCHES) at Georgetown School of Medicine. Applications are due February 24, 2020. More information can be found here.
Summer REU Program in Marine Science at University of Delaware
11 November 2019 -
2020 Summer REU Internships in Animal Behavior
11 November 2019REU in Animal Behavior is a NSF-sponsored program offering unique opportunities for students interested in animal behavior. Application deadline is February 15th, 2020. Find more information and the online application here.
Graduate and Summer Programs at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
17 October 2019Apply to the graduate program at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), in Cold Spring Harbor, New York! This program offers a Ph.D. curriculum which includes genetics and genomics, molecular biology and cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, and quantitative biology.
The deadline for completed applications is December 1, 2019. For more information visit the website at
CSHL also offers a summer undergraduate research program. The deadline for this program is January 15, 2020.
Overland Summer Leadership
17 October 2019Apply to work as a leader for Overland summer programs. Overland leaders spend six weeks leading or supporting programs that help kids see the world.
The first leader application deadline is November 11, 2019. For more information visit the website at
UND Summer 2020 Field Biology Program
18 September 2019Apply now for University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC)’s summer 2020 field biology programs! These programs promote understanding of field biology and how field research is conducted through 10 weeks in the wilds, including your own advanced field research project. The application deadline is Friday, November 8. For more information visit the UNDERC website (
DANTA Tropical Biology in Costa Rica 2019
9 April 2019DANTA is offering 2019 field courses in tropical biology. The courses are intended for undergraduates who have a keen interest in tropical ecosystems and conservation, but have little or no experience of working in a tropical environment.
For more information visit The earliest deadline is May 15, 2019.
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- Summer REUs & Internships (Current Category)