Silvia Lopez
16 April 2021Querida Bev, Deseándote todo lo mejor en esta nueva etapa y envidiando que vas a poder pasar mucho más tiempo en Latinoamérica – ese lugar que nos une en mente…
Rachel Leatham
16 April 2021Congratulations on your retirement, Bev! I’ve appreciated your wisdom and insights in our meetings related to experiential learning, which have been such a gift. I hope that your next adventures…
Lori Pete
16 April 2021I really do not have a story, I just want to congratulate you and say job well done!!! Well deserved retirement!!! Lori Pete Custodial Supervisor
Linda Irrthum
16 April 2021Dear Bev – Congratulations to you on your retirement from Carleton! I’ve really enjoyed working with you as a member of the Budget Committee these past 3 years. I’ve learned…
Roger Paas
16 April 2021Dear Bev, When one has been connected with Carleton for as long as you have in various capacities, it may be hard to imagine a life yet to come. I…
Victoria Morse
16 April 2021Thank you, Bev, for your leadership and support! I have very enjoyed getting to learn from you about how the college works and how things can become possible through conversation…
Kristen Askeland
16 April 2021Bev, I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you during the Vice President and Treasurer search. Thank you for all of the great work you have done for the Carleton community.…
Trey Williams
16 April 2021Bev, We wish you all the best on the next chapter! Thank you for being a champion for all students and for being willing to share your experiences as a…
Don Smith
16 April 2021Dear Bev, Many thanks for your years of service to the college. I’ve enjoyed working with you and have appreciated the lessons you’ve taught us in IRA about how to…