Kaopua Sutton ’14Track & Field
Erik Klontz ’13Swimming & Diving
Kathryn (Schmidt) Lozada ’12Tennis
Kelly Lovett ’11Track & Field, Volleyball
Robert Carlton ’10Soccer
Kate Alexander ’10Swimming & Diving
Matt Frank ’09Football
Zach Johnson ’09Basketball
Ted Marschall ’09Swimming & Diving
Dan Forkrud ’06Basketball
Megan (Vig) Barrymore ’06Basketball
Stephen Harris ’06Track & Field, Cross Country
Cassie Funke-Harris ’05Cross Country, Track & Field
Kristi Colbenson ’05Basketball, Track & Field, Cross Country
Daniel Bucy ’05Cross Country, Track & Field
Elizabeth (Freeman) Moncrief ’05Basketball, Volleyball
Marie Marsman ’04Swimming & Diving
Matt Hooley ’04Cross Country, Track & Field
Jason Brown ’03Swimming & Diving
Laura (Bloedorn) Neirby ’03Cross Country, Track & Field
Angela Soucek ’02Swimming & Diving
Scott Thomas O’Reilly ’02Football
Carrie Stuart ’02Track & Field
Renée Willette ’02Basketball
Josh Schroeder ’01Baseball, Football
Sandra Helquist ’00Track & Field
Josh Wilhelm ’99Basketball
Busola Akinwale ’98Track & Field
Max Harper ’98Swimming & Diving
Scott Klein ’97Football
Dan Virnig ’97Cross Country, Track & Field
Chris French ’96Football
Kate (Ainsworth) Lovrien ’96Track & Field
Michelle Eisenreich ’96Track & Field
Kevin Theissen ’96Cross Country, Track & Field
Lydia Neilsen ’95Swimming & Diving
Gerard Cote ’94Basketball, Football, Track & Field
Aminah Ricks ’94Track & Field
Adam Henry ’94Football, Track & Field
Philip Dunn ’93Cross Country, Track & Field
Scott Krohn ’93Basketball
Scott Hanks ’93Baseball, Football
Art Gilliland ’93Football, Wrestling
Will Kemper ’93Cross Country, Track & Field
Gerrick Monroe ’93Basketball
Stephen Taylor ’92Basketball
Paul Blomgren ’92Football, Track & Field
Geoffrey Isaacman ’92Swimming & Diving
Marcia Hunt ’92Tennis
Katherine Frewing Shallenberger ’92Basketball
Jim Bradford ’92Football
Jeff Scherer ’92Football, Track & Field
Marvin Stoltz ’91Baseball
James Schuldt ’91Football, Track & Field, Wrestling
Tim Thull ’91Baseball, Football
Leslie Gale ’91Tennis
John Nielson ’91Baseball, Football
Greg Sampson ’91Swimming & Diving
Jennifer Streefland Henry ’91Cross Country, Track & Field
Anna Bandick ’90Basketball, Softball
Lisa Nordeen ’90Basketball, Softball
Scott Bunnell ’90Football, Track & Field
Heidi Muller ’89Volleyball, Softball, Basketball
Cristina “Tina” Churchill ’89Volleyball
Tom James ’89Tennis
Daniel Casper ’89Cross Country, Track & Field
Shelley Scherer ’89Cross Country
Tim Nielson ’89Baseball, Football
Anna (Prineas) Catanese ’89Cross Country, Track & Field
Becky Biegelsen ’89Volleyball
Blake Hoel ’89Swimming & Diving, Cross Country
Jeff Brown ’88Track & Field
Troy Ethen ’88Football
Lisa Kelly ’88Track & Field
Edward “Mac” Test ’88Track & Field
Dan Nienhuis ’87Football
Mark Winston ’86Track & Field
Kimberly (Gillen) Corbey ’86Swimming & Diving
Rick Bollin ’86Football, Track & Field
Brigitte (Breuer) Ketterson ’85Nordic Skiing, Track & Field
John Winter ’85Football, Track & Field
Loren Henning ’85Track & Field
Melissa Hamilton-Crutchfield ’85Track & Field, Volleyball
Mark Wandmacher ’84Basketball
Mary Ostergren ’84Cross Country, Track & Field, Nordic Skiing
Sandy Dabora ’83Soccer
Kenneth “Ken” Potts ’83Track & Field, Swimming & Diving
Leslie Kingman ’82Soccer, Basketball, Softball
Todd Schafer ’82Cross Country, Track & Field
Bill Ford ’82Football
Doug Sauter ’82Tennis, Basketball
Kathryn Damberg ’81Swimming & Diving
Scott Wilhelmy ’80Baseball, Football
Madeleine McAfee ’78Basketball, Softball, Volleyball
Dale Kramer ’78Cross Country, Track & Field
Steven Reynolds ’77Cross Country
Frank Gomez ’77Basketball, Tennis
Kevin Birkholz ’76Football, Track & Field, Basketball
Cynthia Morris Starr ’76Tennis
Mike Grossman ’75Baseball, Basketball, Football
W. Michael Barnes ’75Football, Golf
Leon Smith ’74Baseball, Basketball
Sylvia Elsen Lovett ’73Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis
Mark Williams ’73Football
Nancy (Allen) Foran ’71Swimming & Diving
Doug Chase ’71Cross Country, Track & Field
Bill Terriquez ’70Football, Track & Field
Len Crowley ’70Football, Track & Field
Marie Matsen ’69Basketball, Volleyball, Softball
Michael Steiner ’69Cross Country, Track & Field
Eldon Spencer ’69Wrestling
Gary Jacobsen ’68Football, Swimming & Diving, Track & Field
Gary Sundem ’67Baseball, Basketball, Football
Mark Weshinskey ’67Baseball, Football
Emmit Terwilliger ’66Basketball
Craig Olson ’65Football
Garfield Hoerschgen ’64Baseball, Football
Dave Larson ’63Football
Steve Dickinson ’62Football, Track & Field
John Lundsten ’61Football, Basketball, Baseball
Larry Jones ’62Football, Track & Field
Carole (Pushing) Burch ’61Golf
John Hamilton ’60Track & Field
Ivan Grimm ’60Basketball
Alan Schmucker ’59Football, Hockey, Track & Field
Michael Armacost ’58Baseball, Basketball
Charles Machacek ’57Football, Wrestling
1954 Football TeamCarleton’s Last Undefeated Football Team
Robert Buis ’55Basketball
Howard Rosenblum ’55Basketball, Baseball
Laurie J. Slocum ’55Baseball, Basketball
Bill Huyck ’53Coach: Cross Country, Track & Field
Hal Higdon ’53Cross Country, Track & Field
Lloyd Johnson ’52Football, Hockey
Robert “Jocko” Mackenzie ’52Swimming & Diving
Charles Marck ’51Baseball, Basketball, Football
Bill Hendren ’50Cross Country, Track & Field
Augie Schlaffer ’50Baseball, Basketball
Frank Wright ’50Basketball, Football, Track & Field
Raymond Asp ’50Baseball, Basketball, Football
Jack Thurnblad ’49Coach
Wally Ulrich ’48Basketball, Golf
John Verby ’44Baseball, Basketball
Eiler L. Henrickson ’43Football, Track & Field, Wrestling
Richard H. Raiter ’41Baseball, Basketball, Football
Oscar Olson ’39Baseball, Basketball
Richard Garbisch ’38Swimming & Diving
Charles Lunder ’37Basketball, Baseball, Football
Robert Matteson ’37Baseball, Football, Hockey
F. Wayne Sparks ’37Basketball
Syd Larson ’37Basketball, Football
Randall Herman ’36Track & Field
William Powell ’35Basketball, Baseball, Football
Donald “Tag” Senior ’35Baseball, Basketball, Football
Chester Raasch ’34Basketball, Football, Track & Field
Ed Behmler ’34Baseball, Basketball, Football
Harold Nordly ’34Baseball, Basketball, Football
Matt Thoeny ’33Baseball, Basketball, Football
Elwin Albert ’33Football, Track & Field
Ronald Taylor ’33Basketball
Richard Arney ’33Basketball, Golf
Verl “Gus” Young ’32Basketball, Baseball, Football
Samuel Perrin ’31Basketball, Football
Jesse Earl Gossard ’30Track & Field
R.E. Nicholson ’30Baseball, Basketball, Football
Ted Setterquist ’29Basketball, Football, Track & Field
Arnie Simso ’29Baseball, Basketball, Football
Oliver Nordly ’27Basketball, Football, Track & Field
E.J. Cassell ’25Baseball, Football
Carl L. Nordly ’25Baseball, Basketball, Football
Robert D. Brown ’24Basketball, Football
Paul Marschalk ’24Basketball
Herman Woock ’24Basketball, Baseball, Football
Joseph W. Hutton ’24Basketball, Football
Osborne B. Cowles ’22Baseball, Basketball, Football
Earl Keller ’21Football, Track & Field
J. Maynard Street ’20Basketball, Football, Tennis, Track & Field
Arthur J. Rolfe ’18Baseball, Basketball, Football
Cloyde Lee ’17Football, Baseball
A.H. “Dick” Massopust ’17Football, Baseball, Track & Field
Joseph H. Markley ’17Football
Leonard “Stub” Allison ’17Basketball, Football
Alfred J. Robertson ’14Basketball, Football, Track & Field
Pat LambProfessor of Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation
Tammy Metcalf-FilzenWomen’s Basketball Coach 1997-2010
Bob SullivanHead Football Coach
Leon LunderCoach, Trainer, Professor, Athletic Administrator
Robert “Bob” BonnerTennis Coach
Warren BesonHead Football Coach
1980 Men’s Cross Country TeamCarleton’s First National Champions
M.E. “Casey” JarchowMen’s Golf Coach
Eleanor Hansen Emeritus Professor of Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation
Chet McGrawHead Coach: Swimming, Track & Field, Football
Earl BaldwinCaretaker, Laird Stadium
Everett DeanBasketball and Baseball Coach
Walter HassHead Coach – Football, Track & Field
M.H. “Mel” Taube Professor Emeritus of Physical Education
C.J. HuntCoach – Football
Marsh DieboldCoach – Baseball, Basketball
1974 Men’s Tennis TeamMidwest Conference Champs