Group of penguins doing academic tasks together with the text "Carls Help Carls" beneath them

What’s an accountability group?

ASC accountability groups are groups of 4-6 students, plus one ASC-trained student facilitator, who meet weekly to work on their own projects/assignments in a shared space. Participation is a commitment—a core principle of accountability groups. 

Why should I join one?

Accountability groups create a consistent space and time for individual work, goal-setting, and reflection on work habits. Accountability groups are NOT study groups (that is, you likely won’t be working on the same tasks as your peers, and your facilitator is not there to facilitate learning of the material). Facilitators may offer study tips or other information relevant to the group at the start of each session.

Depending on demand, we may offer identity- or circumstance-based cohorts for students affiliated with FOCUS, Mellon Mays, Posse, and TRIO, as well as seniors working on comps and students interested in less intensive version of CAPS.

How are the meetings structured?

Each group meets eight times/term for 90 minutes. Facilitators are responsible for identifying a regular meeting time during week 2. Members will meet and follow a rough agenda:

  • 10 minutes: Check-in, goal setting, tip of the week
  • 70 minutes: Individual work time
  • 10 minutes: Reflection, goals for upcoming week, wrap up

Are you ready for some uninterrupted focus time this term?