May 1
International Film Forum: More Than A Word

More Than A Word (John & Kenn Little, 2017, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, 70 min.)
Q&A with director John Little after the screening, hosted by visiting American Studies faculty Dr. Jennifer Denetdale
“More Than a Word takes us inside the growing grassroots movement to encourage sports leagues at all levels to eliminate Native American-themed mascots and team names. Directed by John and Kenn Little of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, the film places the successful, indigenous-led effort to change the name of Washington’s NFL football team within the wider context of Native American history and the long, destructive legacy of racial stereotyping, white supremacy, and cultural appropriation. With eye-opening commentary from Native American scholars and activists, More Than a Word serves as a necessary reminder that words, images, and struggles over meaning have the power to shape history.” (Media Education Foundation)
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