Sep 16
N O W I S W H E N W E A R E (the stars)

Every point in space occurs once at each moment of time. N O W I S W H E N W E A R E (the stars) makes that literal. Moving beyond an immersive gallery experience, the stars’ unseen narrator guides each visitor through their own individual journey of this precisely programmed installation – and the cosmos of themselves. Nearly 5,000 individually reactive points of light and a 384-channel sound system envelop each audience member. The Stars invites viewers to become active explorers – as they discover the traces of themselves in light, the universe, and those who have been here before us.
Registration is required for this event. Each showing can accommodate up to 8 guests.
Showings are approx. 60 minutes in length, and attendees will be asked to stand or walk for up to 35 minutes. **Please note that this experience includes prolonged darkness and flashing lights. Ages 12 and up.
Development of N O W I S W H E N W E A R E was made possible with support from The Brown Arts Institute, The Simons Foundation and Science Sandbox, The Onassis Foundation, The Sundance Institute Interdisciplinary Program, Eliko Industries, and the Carleton College Arts and Technology Initiative.
This project is produced with and managed by Los Angeles Performance Practice /
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