The Perlman Teaching Museum presents lively exhibitions organized around ideas connecting the liberal arts. Art and artifacts materialize scholarly questions, aesthetic investigations, and cultivate visual literacy. Exhibitions draw from regional, national and international resources, in addition to college collections. The Carleton Art Collection is accessible by appointment in the new purpose-built museum classroom and storage spaces below the galleries.
Contact Perlman Teaching Museum Director and Curator Sara Cluggish.
The Carleton Art Collection as resource for teaching and learning
The collection, spanning centuries and drawn from around the globe, comprises about 2500 artifacts in various fine and applied art media; these beautiful and well made objects are embodiments of technique and reservoirs of cultural meaning. The collection is available for study and enjoyment through occasional exhibitions, displays in Gould Library, selections on the website and by appointment in the Museum Classroom and Art Collection Storage.
Contact Perlman Teaching Museum Technical Director Teresa Lenzen.
Exhibitions and the curriculum
While “curating” was once restricted to a select group of museum professionals, the Teaching Museum opens its doors to many partners, inviting faculty, students and others to collaborate in exhibition and experimental object-based projects. Roles and opportunities include being an exhibition co-curator, mounting and modifying a traveling exhibition to suit a course, developing curatorial and interpretive assignments, proposing acquisitions tailored to curricular uses.