Step 1: Brainstorming
“I want to do an exhibition, but where do I start?”
- Start with an idea.
- Look into exhibition spaces on campus:
- Fill out an Exhibition Proposal Form.
- Map out your budget.
- Start drafting a list of objects/images you’d like to include in your exhibition. This list of image resources might help.
- If you are working on a curricular exhibition, consider Susan Jaret McKinstry’s five points.
Step 2: Collecting and Writing
“I have an idea and booked a space…What should I do next?”
- Start with the basics: create an exhibition checklist.
- Does your exhibition incorporate media/technology? If so, have a conversation with an Academic Technologist.
- Ready to start writing text? See our label guidelines and resources.
Step 3: Producing and Installing the Exhibition
“My checklist is ready and I’ve written my labels…what do I do now?”
- Plan an opening. It is fun and rewarding to hold an opening reception for your exhibition. If possible, incorporate a budget for snacks. For example, budget $40 for a modest array of cookies and juice at a small event.
- Print and mount your materials for installation, if desired.
- Plan the layout of your exhibition. Sketch out your exhibition design on paper, or get fancy and use a 3D design program.
- Install the exhibition. See this guide to hanging shows in the Weitz Center White Spaces.
- Publicize your exhibition!