The student work displayed here is from the final project for the Intro to Throwing class offered each fall. For the assignment, students are asked to create a set of vessels specifically designed for a hypothetical meal shared with a noted person. In creating the pieces, everybody must consider the following questions: What would you eat with this person? How does the form of the pots reflect the mood of the meeting and the interaction between you and your guest? What do you bring of yourself to this meeting?

All the skills acquired by this time in the term—glazes, stains, wax, slips, s’graffito, throwing, trimming, adding parts together—are used in the project to create highly unique table setting.

ceramics final project

#4 of 4
Cameron Platt
Cameron Platt
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Perry Spector

Perry Spector (’08) is sharing a whole experience with architect Antonio Gaudí. Perry’s pieces reflect Gaudí’s interest in natural shapes and forms. He set up his meal in a grassy hillside to further the connection between his pieces and nature.

30 October 2008