Mar 30
Artist talk: Shana Kaplow

Shana Kaplow’s expansive practice includes works in painting, drawing, video and installation. Her work begins with the interconnection between the body, the space of the home, and the larger world. She considers the tensions found in everyday, mass-produced objects, implicating a world that is both intimate yet globally and economically bound together. Her work evokes the idea of home but never quite seems to feel “at home”, suggesting a discomfort rooted in extractive networks of labor and production that often go unseen.
She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally at The Minneapolis Institute of Art, The Tianjin Museum of Art, Walker Art Center, The Asheville Museum of Art, The Soap Factory, 55 Mercer Gallery, and many other venues.
This talk is made possible through the generous support of the Chritopher U. Light Lectureship.
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