Feb 19
The Morphology of Ceramic Form According to Mark
This talk proudly sponsored by the Christopher U. Light Lectureship in the Arts with support from the Mary Leigh Miller Ceramic Arts Fund
Mark Pharis is a Professor Emeritus and Former Chair, Department of Art University of Minnesota, Mark makes earthenware pottery at a studio shared with Wayne Branum near Roberts Wisconsin. He has served on Board of Directors, Archie Bray Foundation, Northern Clay Center, Other place, other place. His exhibitions and workshops are numerous and his work can be found in the collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, Gardner Museum, Toronto Canada, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Ferguson Collection, the Kansas City Art Institute, The Woodman Collection, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Everson Museum, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art, amongst others.
Mark will also be giving ceramics demos in our 130 Beginning Ceramics classes at 9:30am and 1:30pm in Boliou 46. All are welcome to attend!
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