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Studio Art Courses

Fall 2024

  • ARTS 110: Observational Drawing

    A beginning course for non-majors and for those who contemplate majoring in art. The aim of the course is to give the student an appreciation of art and of drawing. An understanding of aesthetic values and development of technical skills are achieved through a series of studio problems which naturally follow one another and deal with the analysis and use of line, shape, volume, space, and tone. A wide range of subjects are used, including still life, landscape and the human figure. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · David Lefkowitz, Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 113: Field Drawing

    A beginning drawing course for students who are interested in developing their skills in drawing from nature, to better see and understand their surroundings. Class material covers line, form, dimension, value, perspective, and space using a variety of drawing materials. Subject matter includes specimens, plant forms, and the landscape. Students will use a portable sketchbook, and classes during the second part of the term are primarily outside. Locations include the Arb and field trips; access to these sites does include walking on unpaved paths and uneven terrain. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 122: Introduction to Sculpture

    The ability to build structures that reflect or alter the environment is a basic defining characteristic of our species. In this class we explore creative construction in three dimensions using a variety of media, including plaster, wood, and steel. Using both natural and architectural objects for inspiration, we will examine and manipulate form, space, and expressive content to develop a deeper understanding of this core trait and reawaken our experience of the spaces we inhabit. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Stephen Mohring
  • ARTS 139: Beginning Photography

    In this course students explore photography as a means of understanding and interacting with both the world and the inner self. We will emphasize a balance of technical skills, exploration of personal vision, and development of critical thinking and vocabulary relating to photography. Beginning students will learn how to use analogue and digital cameras, to use basic studio lighting equipment, and to print their own photographic work. Additionally, students will learn to develop a portfolio as an ongoing process that requires informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work. Collectively we will critique, analyze, give feedback on work, and discuss readings that are pertinent to the production of images in contemporary times. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Shun Yong, Xavier Tavera Castro
  • ARTS 142: The Book as Art Object

    With books we understand, in a contained object, specific qualities that an author conveys through composition, sequence, and information in an art form. Students will balance the cultivation of technical skills with exploration of personal vision in the creation and conceptualization of a series of books taking into consideration the diverse students’ disciplines. The class incorporates both digital and analog book technologies. We will analyze an array of publications from classical to contemporary artist book, the journal, the fanzine, the comic book, the pulp, and the pamphlet. We will pay special attention to the conceptual space of the book, sequencing and layout of images, production, materials and distribution of books. Topics include the discussion of the decline and resurgence of the physical book, the poetics of the books, the book as metaphor, the conceptual space of the book, and books as narrative and non-narrative sequences. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024 · Shun Yong
  • ARTS 151: Metalsmithing

    A basic course in metal design and fabrication of primarily jewelry forms and functional objects. Specific instruction will be given in developing the skills of forming, joining, and surface enrichment to achieve complex metal pieces. Students will learn to render two-dimensional drawings while exploring three-dimensional design concepts. The course examines how jewelry forms relate to the human body. Found materials will be used in addition to traditional metals including copper, brass, and silver. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Danny Saathoff
  • ARTS 260: Painting

    The course serves as an introduction to the language of painting. Students develop a facility with the physical tools of painting–brushes, paint and surfaces–as they gain a fluency with the basic formal elements of the discipline–color, form, value, composition and space. Students are also challenged to consider the choices they make in determining the content and ideas expressed in the work, and how to most effectively convey them. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 110 – Observational Drawing, ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · David Lefkowitz
  • ARTS 274: Silkscreen Printmaking

    This course will introduce the basics of silkscreen, an art technique used to create everything from t-shirts and band posters to fine art. We will engage with different aspects of this artistic process to generate imagery, including color mixing, layering, combining analogue and digital output, as well as contextualize the historic and contemporary tradition of this art form. This course will emphasize creativity, artistic growth, and technical skill development.


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 110 – Observational Drawing or equivalent, ARTS 113 – Field Drawing, ARTS 114 – Intro to Drawing Architecture with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024 · Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 327: Woodworking: The Table

    This class explores the wondrous joys and enlightening frustrations of an intensive material focus in wood. From the perspective of both functional and non-functional design, we will examine wood’s physical, visual, philosophical, and expressive properties. Several short projects will culminate in an examination of the table as a conceptual construct, and six week design/build challenge. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 122 – Introduction to Sculpture or ARTS 222 – Sculptural Practice with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024 · Stephen Mohring
  • ARTS 330: Advanced Ceramics

    Designed to build on previous coursework in ceramics, this course focuses on sophisticated handbuilding and throwing techniques and advanced problem solving. Development of a personal voice is encouraged through open-ended assignments deepening exploration into the expressive nature of clay. Glaze calculations, kiln firing theory, and alternative firing techniques will broaden approaches to surface design. This course can be repeated for credit. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 130 – Ceramics, ARTS 230 – Ceramics: Throwing, ARTS 232 – Ceramics: Handbuilding, ARTS 234 – The Figure in Clay, ARTS 236 – Ceramics: Vessels for Tea with grade of C- or better

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024 · Kelly Connole
  • ARTS 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the studio arts major consists of an independent research project involving experimentation, reflection, and deep engagement in the production of a cohesive body of artwork. The comps process is designed to give students the opportunity to develop ideas over the course of a term with close advice and support of the studio faculty and fellow students. Class of 2025 the department highly recommends students take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of the senior year. Class of 2026 will be required to take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of senior year.


    Student is a Studio Arts major and has Senior Priority.

    1 – 5 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating, Kelly Connole

Winter 2025

  • ARTS 110: Observational Drawing

    A beginning course for non-majors and for those who contemplate majoring in art. The aim of the course is to give the student an appreciation of art and of drawing. An understanding of aesthetic values and development of technical skills are achieved through a series of studio problems which naturally follow one another and deal with the analysis and use of line, shape, volume, space, and tone. A wide range of subjects are used, including still life, landscape and the human figure. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · David Lefkowitz, Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 110: Observational Drawing

    A beginning course for non-majors and for those who contemplate majoring in art. The aim of the course is to give the student an appreciation of art and of drawing. An understanding of aesthetic values and development of technical skills are achieved through a series of studio problems which naturally follow one another and deal with the analysis and use of line, shape, volume, space, and tone. A wide range of subjects are used, including still life, landscape and the human figure. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · David Lefkowitz, Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 124: Elements of 3D Art and Design

    This 3D foundations course will engage students in learning to articulate and dissect the elements of three-dimensional design. Using metal, wire, clay, wood and found objects, students will construct and fabricate three dimensional objects while developing an understanding of visual language and its power to tell a story or convey a message. 3D modeling software will be explored as a way to conceptualize ideas before creating them in physical media. Students will study examples of historical and contemporary artists and designers to provide context for their projects.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Danny Saathoff
  • ARTS 130: Beginning Ceramics

    This course is an introduction to wheel throwing and handbuilding as primary methods of construction for both functional and non-functional ceramic forms. An understanding of ceramic history and technical skills are achieved through studio practice, readings, and demonstrations. Emphasis is placed on the development of strong three-dimensional forms as well as the relationship of form to surface. Coursework includes a variety of firing techniques and development of surface design. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Juliane Shibata, Kelly Connole
  • ARTS 130: Beginning Ceramics

    This course is an introduction to wheel throwing and handbuilding as primary methods of construction for both functional and non-functional ceramic forms. An understanding of ceramic history and technical skills are achieved through studio practice, readings, and demonstrations. Emphasis is placed on the development of strong three-dimensional forms as well as the relationship of form to surface. Coursework includes a variety of firing techniques and development of surface design. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Juliane Shibata, Kelly Connole
  • ARTS 139: Beginning Photography

    In this course students explore photography as a means of understanding and interacting with both the world and the inner self. We will emphasize a balance of technical skills, exploration of personal vision, and development of critical thinking and vocabulary relating to photography. Beginning students will learn how to use analogue and digital cameras, to use basic studio lighting equipment, and to print their own photographic work. Additionally, students will learn to develop a portfolio as an ongoing process that requires informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work. Collectively we will critique, analyze, give feedback on work, and discuss readings that are pertinent to the production of images in contemporary times. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Shun Yong, Xavier Tavera Castro
  • ARTS 151: Metalsmithing

    A basic course in metal design and fabrication of primarily jewelry forms and functional objects. Specific instruction will be given in developing the skills of forming, joining, and surface enrichment to achieve complex metal pieces. Students will learn to render two-dimensional drawings while exploring three-dimensional design concepts. The course examines how jewelry forms relate to the human body. Found materials will be used in addition to traditional metals including copper, brass, and silver. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Danny Saathoff
  • ARTS 212: Studio Art Seminar in the South Pacific: Mixed-Media Drawing

    This course involves directed drawing in bound sketchbooks, using a variety of drawing media, and requires ongoing, self-directed drawing in these visual journals. Subjects will include landscape, nature study, figure, and portraits. The course will require some hiking in rugged areas. Prerequisites:

    Acceptance in the Studio Art in the South Pacific Program and the student has completed any of the following courses: ARTS 110 – Observational drawing or ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 241: Identity, Community and Photography

    In this course, students will explore the power of visual imagery to shape, reflect, and challenge societal perceptions of identity. Emphasizing a balance of technical skills, personal vision, and critical thinking, the course encourages students to develop their own photographic voice. Students will be challenged to question, explore, and express their own identities through photography. Throughout the course, students will apply their technical and critical thinking skills to create a major project centered on their identity. They will be introduced to photographers from around the world who challenge stereotypes and amplify underrepresented voices, offering inspiration and context for their work. Expected preparation: some familiarity with photography or art in general.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Shun Yong
  • ARTS 260: Painting

    The course serves as an introduction to the language of painting. Students develop a facility with the physical tools of painting–brushes, paint and surfaces–as they gain a fluency with the basic formal elements of the discipline–color, form, value, composition and space. Students are also challenged to consider the choices they make in determining the content and ideas expressed in the work, and how to most effectively convey them. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 110 – Observational Drawing, ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · David Lefkowitz
  • ARTS 273: Studio Art Seminar in the South Pacific: Printmaking

    Intaglio and relief printmaking. Students will receive instruction in all of the processes of intaglio and relief printmaking. Students will explore the possibilities of these forms of printmaking in conjunction with their work in the drawing class. Prerequisites:

    Acceptance in the Studio Art in the South Pacific Program and the student has completed any of the following courses: ARTS 110 – Observational drawing or ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 275: Studio Art Seminar in the South Pacific: The Physical and Cultural Environment

    This is a wide-ranging course that asks students to engage with their surroundings and make broad connections during the South Pacific program. It examines ecological topics, such as natural history, invasive species, conservation efforts, and how the physical landscape has changed since colonialism. Students will also study indigenous people’s history, culture, art, and profound relationship to landscape. This course includes readings, films, local speakers, and diverse site visits. Prerequisites:

    Acceptance in the Studio Art in the South Pacific Program and the student has completed any of the following courses: ARTS 110 – Observational drawing or ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; S/CR/NC; IS, International Studies, SI, Social Inquiry; offered Winter 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 276: Design Fundamentals, Zines, and Artistic Publications

    This course will discuss principles of graphic design using a Risograph duplicator, a printing technology that operates similarly to both silkscreen printmaking and a copy machine. The Riso is used to create artwork, zines, and other artistic publications. We will examine creative possibilities for this technology, using both analog techniques and digital publishing software including Adobe Photoshop and Indesign to make printed imagery and narrative works like zines and artists books.


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 110 – Observational Drawing or equivalent, ARTS 113 – Field Drawing, ARTS 114 – Intro to Drawing Architecture with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Winter 2025 · Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the studio arts major consists of an independent research project involving experimentation, reflection, and deep engagement in the production of a cohesive body of artwork. The comps process is designed to give students the opportunity to develop ideas over the course of a term with close advice and support of the studio faculty and fellow students. Class of 2025 the department highly recommends students take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of the senior year. Class of 2026 will be required to take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of senior year.


    Student is a Studio Arts major and has Senior Priority.

    1 – 5 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating, Kelly Connole

Spring 2025

  • ARTS 113: Field Drawing

    A beginning drawing course for students who are interested in developing their skills in drawing from nature, to better see and understand their surroundings. Class material covers line, form, dimension, value, perspective, and space using a variety of drawing materials. Subject matter includes specimens, plant forms, and the landscape. Students will use a portable sketchbook, and classes during the second part of the term are primarily outside. Locations include the Arb and field trips; access to these sites does include walking on unpaved paths and uneven terrain. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 113: Field Drawing

    A beginning drawing course for students who are interested in developing their skills in drawing from nature, to better see and understand their surroundings. Class material covers line, form, dimension, value, perspective, and space using a variety of drawing materials. Subject matter includes specimens, plant forms, and the landscape. Students will use a portable sketchbook, and classes during the second part of the term are primarily outside. Locations include the Arb and field trips; access to these sites does include walking on unpaved paths and uneven terrain. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Eleanor Jensen
  • ARTS 122: Introduction to Sculpture

    The ability to build structures that reflect or alter the environment is a basic defining characteristic of our species. In this class we explore creative construction in three dimensions using a variety of media, including plaster, wood, and steel. Using both natural and architectural objects for inspiration, we will examine and manipulate form, space, and expressive content to develop a deeper understanding of this core trait and reawaken our experience of the spaces we inhabit. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Stephen Mohring
  • ARTS 139: Beginning Photography

    In this course students explore photography as a means of understanding and interacting with both the world and the inner self. We will emphasize a balance of technical skills, exploration of personal vision, and development of critical thinking and vocabulary relating to photography. Beginning students will learn how to use analogue and digital cameras, to use basic studio lighting equipment, and to print their own photographic work. Additionally, students will learn to develop a portfolio as an ongoing process that requires informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work. Collectively we will critique, analyze, give feedback on work, and discuss readings that are pertinent to the production of images in contemporary times. 6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Shun Yong, Xavier Tavera Castro
  • ARTS 230: Ceramics: Throwing

    This course is focused on the creative possibilities of the pottery wheel as a means to create utilitarian objects. Students are challenged to explore conceptual ideas while maintaining a dedication to function. An understanding of aesthetic values and technical skills are achieved through studio practice, readings, and demonstrations. Basic glaze and clay calculations, high fire and wood kiln firing techniques, and a significant civic engagement component, known as the Empty Bowls Project, are included in the course. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 130 – Beginning Ceramics or ARTS 236 – Ceramics: Vessels for Tea with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Kelly Connole
  • ARTS 230: Ceramics: Throwing

    This course is focused on the creative possibilities of the pottery wheel as a means to create utilitarian objects. Students are challenged to explore conceptual ideas while maintaining a dedication to function. An understanding of aesthetic values and technical skills are achieved through studio practice, readings, and demonstrations. Basic glaze and clay calculations, high fire and wood kiln firing techniques, and a significant civic engagement component, known as the Empty Bowls Project, are included in the course. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 130 – Beginning Ceramics or ARTS 236 – Ceramics: Vessels for Tea with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Kelly Connole
  • ARTS 252: Metalsmithing: Ancient Technology—New Technologies

    This course focuses on lost wax casting, 3D modeling and printing, and stone setting as methods to create jewelry and small sculptural objects in bronze and silver. Specific instruction will be given in the proper use of tools, torches, and other equipment, wax carving, and general metalsmithing techniques. Through the use of 3D modeling software and 3D printing, new technologies will expedite traditional processes allowing for a broad range of metalworking possibilities.


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 151 – Metalsmithing with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Danny Saathoff
  • ARTS 262: Watercolor

    This course provides an introduction to the medium of watercolor painting and gouache (opaque water-based paint) on paper surfaces. Students will develop an understanding of basic color interactions and a wide spectrum of paint application strategies from meticulous refined brushwork to fluid, expressive markmaking. 


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 110 – Observational Drawing, ARTS 113 – Field Drawing or ARTS 114 – Introduction to Drawing Architecture with grade of C- or better or equivalent.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · David Lefkowitz
  • ARTS 298: Junior Studio Art Practicum

    Required for the studio major, and strongly recommended for the junior year, this seminar is for student artists considering lives as producers of visual culture. At the core of the course are activities that help build students’ identities as practicing artists. These include the selection and installation of artwork for the Junior Show, a presentation about their own artistic development, and studio projects in media determined by each student that serve as a bridge between media-specific studio art courses and the independent creative work they will undertake as Seniors in Comps. The course will also include reading and discussion about what it means to be an artist today, encounters with visiting artists and trips to exhibition venues in the Twin Cities. 6 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Spring 2025 · Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 322: Sculpture 2: Form and Context

    In this intimate and nimble seminar, we will continue our exploration of the many wonders of sculpture, further developing our previous studio-based investigations. During several short and two prolonged problem-based assignments we will work to develop our personal voice and a more nuanced material expression in our art.  We’ll be introducing interior and exterior site-specific installation, casting, advanced woodworking and welding techniques, as well as the potential for interactive robotics and digital media, to the range of possibilities. In Arts 322 you are free to explore the processes that most intrigue you–no specific material or sculptural format will be required. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed one of the following course(s): ARTS 122 – Introduction to Sculpture, ARTS 222 – Sculptural Practice, ARTS 327 – Woodworking or CS 232 – Art, Interactivity, and Microcontrollers with a grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Stephen Mohring
  • ARTS 339: Advanced Photography

    In this course students explore photography as a means of understanding and interacting with both the world and the inner self. We will emphasize a balance of technical skills, exploration of personal vision, and development of critical thinking and vocabulary relating to photography. Advanced students will focus on developing a concise body of work independently through two self-directed longer projects. Instruction includes: use of large format cameras with a hand meter, film scanning, and strobe lighting. Students will learn to develop a portfolio as an ongoing process that requires informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work. Collectively we will critique, analyze, give feedback on work and discuss readings that are pertinent to the production of images in contemporary times. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 139 – Beginning Photography or ARTS 142 – The Book As Art Object or ARTS 244 – Alternative Processes or ARTS 245 – Constructed Image with grade of C- or better.

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Xavier Tavera Castro
  • ARTS 374: Advanced Printmaking

    This course builds upon student’s prior introductory coursework in any printmaking media (Silkscreen, Relief, Intaglio, Risography, or Lithography). We will engage in further technical study in printmaking as well as pursue conceptual engagement in theory and readings relevant to the field. This course will emphasize student-directed learning and the integration of concept and media.


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 273 – Printmaking, ARTS 274 – Printmaking, ARTS 276 – Design + Art Publications or ARTS 278 Intaglio Printmaking with grade of C- or better

    6 credits; ARP, Arts Practice; offered Spring 2025 · Jade Hoyer
  • ARTS 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the studio arts major consists of an independent research project involving experimentation, reflection, and deep engagement in the production of a cohesive body of artwork. The comps process is designed to give students the opportunity to develop ideas over the course of a term with close advice and support of the studio faculty and fellow students. Class of 2025 the department highly recommends students take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of the senior year. Class of 2026 will be required to take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of senior year.


    Student is a Studio Arts major and has Senior Priority.

    1 – 5 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating, Kelly Connole

Art History Courses

Fall 2024

  • ARTH 100: Art and Culture in the Gilded Age

    Staggering wealth inequality spurred by transformative technological innovation and unbridled corporate power. Political tumult fueled by backsliding civil rights legislation, disputed elections, and anti-immigrant sentiment. Culture wars. American imperialism. Such characteristics have increasingly fueled comparisons between the present day and the late-nineteenth century in the United States. The Gilded Age witnessed the flourishing of mass culture alongside the founding of many elite cultural organizations—museums, symphony halls, libraries—that still stand as preeminent civic institutions. With an occasional eye to the present, this seminar examines the art, architecture, and cultural history of the Gilded Age.


    Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wishes to change the A&I course they are enrolled in they must DROP the enrolled course and then ADD the new course. Please see our Workday guides Drop or 'Late' Drop a Course and Register or Waitlist for a Course Directly from the Course Listing for more information.

    6 credits; AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1; offered Fall 2024 · Baird Jarman
  • ARTH 100: Witches, Monsters and Demons

    Between 1300 and 1600 depictions of witches, monsters, and demons moved from the margins of medieval manuscripts and the nooks of church architecture to the center of altarpieces and heart of princely collections. Although this diabolical imagery was extremely diverse, it came from one place: the mind of the Renaissance artist. This course examines how images that came from within were devised and fashioned into works of art. It considers why fantastical imagery that showcased the artist’s imagination was so highly valued during the Renaissance–a period typically associated with the rebirth of classical antiquity. Finally, it explores the connection between illusions, visions, dreams, and other visual phenomena that highlighted the potential malfunction of the mind, and artistic creation. Some of the artists discussed include, but are not limited to, Hieronymus Bosch, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci.


    Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wishes to change the A&I course they are enrolled in they must DROP the enrolled course and then ADD the new course. Please see our Workday guides Drop or 'Late' Drop a Course and Register or Waitlist for a Course Directly from the Course Listing for more information.

    6 credits; AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1, IS, International Studies; offered Fall 2024 · Jessica Keating
  • ARTH 101: Introduction to Art History I

    An introduction to the art and architecture of various geographical areas around the world from antiquity through the “Middle Ages.” The course will provide foundational skills (tools of analysis and interpretation) as well as general, historical understanding. It will focus on a select number of major developments in a range of media and cultures, emphasizing the way that works of art function both as aesthetic and material objects and as cultural artifacts and forces. Issues include, for example, sacred spaces, images of the gods, imperial portraiture, and domestic decoration. 6 credits; CX, Cultural/Linguistics, IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Fall 2024 · Jessica Keating
  • ARTH 172: Modern Art: 1890-1945

    This course explores developments in the visual arts, architecture, and theory in Europe and America between 1890 and 1945. The major Modernist artists and movements that sought to revolutionize vision, culture, and experience, from Symbolism to Surrealism, will be considered. The impact of World War I, the Great Depression, and the rise of fascism will be examined as well for their devastation of the Modernist dream of social-cultural renewal. Lectures will be integrated with discussions of artists’ theoretical writings and group manifestoes, such as those of the Futurists, Dadaists, Surrealists, Constructivists, and DeStijl, in addition to select secondary readings. 6 credits; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Fall 2024 · Vanessa Reubendale
  • ARTH 215: Cross-Cultural Psychology in Prague: Czech Art and Architecture

    This course will examine key developments in Czech visual art and architecture from the early medieval to the contemporary periods. Slide-based lectures will be supplemented by visits to representative monuments, art collections, and museums in Prague. Prerequisites:

    Acceptance in Cross-Cultural Studies in Prague Program and student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology with a grade of C- or better.

    4 credits; S/CR/NC; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Fall 2024 · Ken Abrams
  • ARTH 240: Art Since 1945

    Art from abstract expressionism to the present, with particular focus on issues such as the modernist artist-hero; the emergence of alternative or non-traditional media; the influence of the women’s movement and the gay/lesbian liberation movement on contemporary art; and postmodern theory and practice. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.

    6 credits; IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Fall 2024 · Vanessa Reubendale
  • ARTH 288: Curatorial Practicum

    This course explores the evolution of the museum from the Enlightenment to the present day. It questions the role of the curator and of audiences, strategies for building public collections, the repatriation of objects, and codes of display in museums of all types. Theoretical readings and discussion-based formats are complemented by practical experience. Students will help organize an exhibition about art and math which will be on view at the Perlman Teaching Museum in winter 2026. The course will coincide with a conference on art and math organized by the Museum and the Mathematics and Statistics department in October 2024.


    Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.

    6 credits; LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Fall 2024 · Sara Cluggish
  • ARTH 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the art history major involves an independent research project, on a topic chosen by the student and approved by faculty members, resulting in a substantial essay due late in the winter term. One credit is awarded, usually in the spring term, for a formal presentation that contextualizes the project and summarizes the argument of the essay. The other five credits may be distributed in any fashion over the fall and winter terms. Art History 400 is a continuing course; no grade will be awarded until all six credits are completed. Prerequisites:

    Student is an Art History major and has Senior Priority.

    S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating

Winter 2025

  • ARTH 102: Introduction to Art History II

    An introduction to the art and architecture of various geographical areas around the world from the fifteenth century through the present. The course will provide foundational skills (tools of analysis and interpretation) as well as general, historical understanding. It will focus on a select number of major developments in a range of media and cultures, emphasizing the way that works of art function both as aesthetic and material objects and as cultural artifacts and forces. Issues include, for example, humanist and Reformation redefinitions of art in the Italian and Northern Renaissance, realism, modernity and tradition, the tension between self-expression and the art market, and the use of art for political purposes. 6 credits; CX, Cultural/Linguistics, IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis, WR2 Writing Requirement 2; offered Winter 2025 · Mira Xenia Schwerda
  • ARTH 160: American Art to 1940

    Concentration on painting of the colonial period (especially portraiture) and nineteenth century (especially landscape and scenes of everyday life) with an introduction to the modernism of the early twentieth century. The course will include analysis of the ways art shapes and reflects cultural attitudes such as those concerning race and gender. 6 credits; IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Winter 2025 · Baird Jarman
  • ARTH 225: The Naked and the Nude: A History

    Why did the naked human body become a central subject of Western art? What makes the representation of an unclad body "beautiful," and what makes it "erotic"? What types of bodies been portrayed in the history of art and what types of bodies have not? Who has been succesful in censoring the nude? Who been less succesful? These questions form the basis of this course which examines the history of the nude from antiquity to the present day.

    6 credits; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Winter 2025 · Jessica Keating
  • ARTH 250: The Coded Gaze: AI and Art History

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support or subvert human intelligence and it affects art and art history already today. This course will connect existing discourses in art history and the history of photography to recent AI questions and themes, demonstrating that many topics, which appear novel, have in fact a long and complex history. We will focus on questions of ethics that affect both AI and art history, including ownership of images, surveillance, and the representation of race and gender, while also exploring possible uses of AI in art history, e.g. the detection of forgeries, and the curation of AI artworks.

    6 credits; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Winter 2025 · Mira Xenia Schwerda
  • ARTH 341: Art and Democracy

    What does it mean to say that a work of art is “democratic?” For whom is art made? And who can lay claim to the title “artist?” These questions animate contemporary art production as artists grapple with the problems of broadening access to their works and making them more socially relevant. In this course we will consider the challenges involved in making art for a sometimes ill-defined “public.” Topics to be discussed include: activist performance art, feminism, public sculpture, the Culture Wars, queer visual culture, and the recent rise of social practice art. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any two courses in ARTH with grades of C- or better.

    6 credits; IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Winter 2025 · Ross Elfline
  • ARTH 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the art history major involves an independent research project, on a topic chosen by the student and approved by faculty members, resulting in a substantial essay due late in the winter term. One credit is awarded, usually in the spring term, for a formal presentation that contextualizes the project and summarizes the argument of the essay. The other five credits may be distributed in any fashion over the fall and winter terms. Art History 400 is a continuing course; no grade will be awarded until all six credits are completed. Prerequisites:

    Student is an Art History major and has Senior Priority.

    S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating

Spring 2025

  • ARTH 214: Queer Art

    Beyond surveying the rich history of arts by LGBTQA+ individuals, this course takes as its object of study the ways in which the arts have been used to question, undermine, and subvert the gendered and sexual norms of dominant cultures—in short, to queer them. In so doing, such visual and performative practices offer new, alternative models of living and acting in the world based on liberatory politics and aesthetics. This course will consider topics such as: censorship of queer artists; art of the AIDS crisis; activist performance; the sexual politics of public space; and queer intersections of race, class and gender in visual art among others. Prerequisites:

    Student has completed any of the following course(s): One Art History (ARTH) course with a grade of C- better.

    6 credits; IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2025 · Ross Elfline
  • ARTH 216: Revolutionary Image Regimes: Curating Middle Eastern Photographs and Prints after the Digital Turn

    The Middle East participated in the global revolutionary moment at the turn of the century, when photography and print played a crucial role in the mobilization and memorization of political, social, and cultural change. This course examines a vast range of revolutionary images at the beginning of the twentieth century, their specific contexts, and expressions in the Middle East. The course also investigates the impact of the Digital Turn in Art History and the intricacies of digital exhibitions. The students contribute to a digital exhibition on comparative revolutions hosted by Khamseen: Islamic Art History Online in 2025-26.

    6 credits; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2025 · Mira Xenia Schwerda
  • ARTH 257: Modern Art and the Museum in the Middle East

    This course focuses on modern art, the museum, and the politics of display and curation in the Middle East. It will examine the development of modern art in the Middle East and take a closer look at specific modern artists and avantgarde movements, including Osman Hamdi Bey, Kamal al-Mulk, Fahrelnissa Zeid, and the Iranian Saqqakhaneh movement. We will examine the institution of the museum and its history. Furthermore, we will explore how modern Middle Eastern art is presented in the Middle East versus the United States or Europe. The course will include guest lectures by curators.

    6 credits; IS, International Studies, LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2025 · Mira Xenia Schwerda
  • ARTH 298: The History of Art History

    An intensive study of the nature of art history as an intellectual discipline and of the approaches scholars have taken to various art historical problems. Attention as well to principles of current art historical research and writing. Recommended for juniors who have declared art history as a major or a minor.

    6 credits; LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating
  • ARTH 400: Integrative Exercise

    The integrative exercise for the art history major involves an independent research project, on a topic chosen by the student and approved by faculty members, resulting in a substantial essay due late in the winter term. One credit is awarded, usually in the spring term, for a formal presentation that contextualizes the project and summarizes the argument of the essay. The other five credits may be distributed in any fashion over the fall and winter terms. Art History 400 is a continuing course; no grade will be awarded until all six credits are completed. Prerequisites:

    Student is an Art History major and has Senior Priority.

    S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Jessica Keating