Mike Kowalewski with class at McKnight Prairie.
Mike Kowalewski with class at McKnight Prairie.

Group use of the Arboretum or McKnight Prairie is welcome but groups of ten or more must register to avoid conflicts with other users and to protect the natural resources.  Class visits by K-12 or non-Carleton college age scholars, adult classes, athletic teams, recreational users or scout troops are examples of group users who must register their visit.  Additionally, if you are not affiliated with Carleton and would like to use the Arboretum for a project or for commercial use, you must register regardless of your group size.  Projects such as film making or wedding photography are in this category. Group or project leaders should complete the on-line Arboretum use registration form at least 72 hours prior to your visit. Contact the Arboretum Director, Nancy Braker, 507-222-4543 if you have questions about your visit.

Athletic Events

Organized athletic events such as the running portion of a triathlon or a group fundraising walk, require additional paperwork. Carleton student organizers should contact Aaron Chaput, 507-222-4483, at the Recreation Center for help with planning your event.  Non-Carleton organizers of these events should contact Jana Lelm, 507-222-4443, at the campus scheduling office.

Weddings, Picnics, and Other Gatherings

Several outdoor spaces in the Arboretum or adjacent to it such as the Council Ring, Hill of Three Oaks, or Monument Hill may be reserved for non-Carleton group use such as picnics, family reunions or weddings.  These reservations may not be made during the academic term.  Reservations and paperwork are handled through the campus scheduling office (see contact information above) or more information is available at the campus scheduling website.

Campus Fire Rings

Campus fire rings (Hill of Three Oaks, Mai Fete, Council Ring) can be reserved for college functions through the Campus Scheduling system. The fire rings cannot be reserved for non-college functions.