Apr 22
Earth Day Volunteer Event
Celebrate Earth Day and help with management in the Arboretum. While we normally plant trees on Earth Day the delayed spring means other activities including some maintenance on trees planted previously, invasive species removal and roadside trash pick up. Whatever task you are assigned to be assured that we have fun working together! Meet (see map here) at the bridge across Spring Creek along the paved trail just down the hill from the entrance to the Upper Arb at the intersection of 2nd and Oak Streets (near the Carleton Tennis Courts). Make sure to wear closed toe shoes and socks, and clothes that can get dirty - outdoor work can be messy. We will supply gloves if you need them and all necessary tools. Please sign up for this event so that we can plan for enough equipment and let you know of any changes - thunderstorms or heavy rain would require that we cancel the event and we want to be able to update you! This event will have two shifts - 9:00 - 10:30 and 10:30 - noon. Sign up for the shift that fits your schedule the best. This event is part of the Northfield Earth Day events - consider participating in other events throughout the day.
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