Nodding Trillium, Trillium cerium
( Trillium cernuum ) aka Whip-poor-will Flower Bloom Time: Late Spring (May – June) Location: Prefers shade, moisture, and acidic soils. Found in broadleaf forests in the southern part of its range, but prefers mixed or conifer-dominated stands. Also found in riparian or swampy habitats (general). Best Woods or floodplains (Arb). Family: Trillium (Melanthiaceae) Physical Description: Most distinguishing feature is the single flower that hangs below, and is often concealed by the leaves. It has three white petals and three green sepals that curve up toward the base of the blossom. Six stamens hang from the center of the plant (white with purple tips). Single stem with three large, ovular leaves with pointed tips at the top. NOTE: Do not pick or trample these flowers. If a single part of the plant is picked, it may not be able to bloom again the next year, as it can take years for it to build up enough starch and sugar to produce a blossom. NOTE: Berries and roots are mildly toxic.