Western chorus frog is tiny

Identification: 0.75 – 1.25 inches, about the size of a quarter coin. Often confused with another species boreal chorus frog (P. maculata), which has shorter legs. Their coloration has a lot of variation, ranging from tan to shades of gray or red. Three dark stripes extend from the head down the back and one additional line runs through the eye. A white line extends along the upper lip towards the back.

Mating: from March to the end of May.

Habitat: Found in habitats ranging from urban environments to grasslands and forest edges. Heard at Kettle Hole Marsh, Oxbow Pond, and other wetlands along the Cannon River. It is the most abundant frog species in our Arboretum.

Life Expectancy: Tadpoles become frogs in three months and reach full adulthood within a year.

The western chorus frog plays an important role as an indicator species. Deformities, reduction in reproductive success, or changes in morphology of the frogs could indicate pollution or toxic substances in the environment. The health of these frogs can determine whether residential, agricultural or industrial practices have deposited any pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals into the environment in troubling amounts. In addition, these frogs are excellent in controlling insect populations, thus further benefiting humans and the environment.

(Information taken from Wikipedia and Carleton Arboretum frog surveys)