Common, probably the most common of the blue darners (Aeshna) in Minnesota.

Found on the wing from late June through the end of September

Average length: 2.8 in.

Description: front thoracic side strip is notched at a 90-degree angle. Back stripe is un-notched. Males are commonly blue above and green below, but can be all one color. Females have two variants: green is more common, and its wings are tined brown; blue is uncommon, and resemble males. There is also a rare yellow form in both sexes. Color, however is variable, and often unreliable. Better by far to rely upon thoracic markings.

Canada darners eat in flight throughout the day and evening, and land at night. This species rarely lands during the day, and then only briefly. Spends most of its adult life in the air. In typical darner fashion, this species flocks while feeding, forming large swarms in open areas. Look for them above Bakke and Hillside Prairies in the Lower Arb, and near Kettlehole Marsh during mating season. They are often found along stream edges and lakeshores. Each male has approximately 20 yards of territory along their chosen shoreline habitat, and spends the mating season defending this stretch. As males of this species do not wait for females to be interested in reproduction–clasping as soon as one enters his territory–females spend much of their adult life away from aquatic habitats. Females oviposit eggs individually into plants stems.