Carleton Alumni Email List
The Alumni email list is an unmoderated forum for discussions among Carleton alumni. Discussion topics include stories of Carleton past and present and other issues of interest to alumni.
Carleton uses Google Groups to provide this service. A Gmail address is not needed to participate in the list. Email to request to be added to the list.
Regional Alumni Email Lists
We also have lists for many regional areas. Discussion topics for these lists might include information about area events, performances, inquiries about area housing, or career or volunteer opportunities of interest to Carls living in the area. If you would like to join one of these lists, send an email to and indicate which list(s) you would like to join.
- Carleton Boston Alumni
- Carleton Breakfast Club in the Twin Cities
- Carleton Chicago Alumni
- Carleton New York Area Alumni
- Carleton Portland Area Alumni
- Carleton San Francisco Bay Area Alumni
- Carleton Seattle Area Alumni
- Carleton Twin Cities Area Alumni
- Carleton Washington DC Area Alumni