New York Regional Carls
New to the Area?
The Alumni Relations office sends emails about Carleton events occurring in the New York region to alumni who live nearby. Not seeing any emails? Update your contact information by emailing us or by signing in to the update form with your Carleton credentials.
How to Get Involved
Carleton regional events exist to connect alumni, parents, and friends with each other and with the College. They provide social and educational programs, a forum for renewing old acquaintances and meeting new Carleton people, and opportunities for bringing news about Carleton to those who may not have visited the campus recently.
Each year we host a number of events such as Nationwide Trivia, Coffee with Carls, Summer Send-offs, happy hours, summer picnics, and more. Have a great idea for an event? We would love to hear from you — we need your help in organizing events!
New York area Liaisons
Zoë Andrada ’04
Daniel Bernstein ’93
Miyoko Brunner ’07
Fiona Fraser ’18
Özgür Güngör ’06
Mary Harvey ’03
Rachel Hodes ’21
Becca Horwitz ’22
Maddie Kyhl ’21
Binny Onabolu ’23
Monica Swinney ’06
Jipei Zhang ’06
How to Stay Connected
Join our Facebook group!
Looking for a job, housemate, or dog-sitter in the New York area? Do you have a job at your company in the New York area that you would love to fill with a Carleton alum? The New York Google Group email list is a great way to spread the word and stay connected with New York area Carls. Email Alumni Relations and indicate you want to be added to the New York Google Group.
Information on the New York Book Club.
Carls in the Region
Find New York area Carls in the Alumni Directory
Staff Contact
Please contact Krista Herbstrith P’24 for more information or to volunteer.