Aug 9

Virtual Summer Send-Off - Africa, Europe, & Middle East

Tue, August 9, 2022 • 7:00pm - 8:00pm (1h)

7:00-8:00 p.m. UTC+2
via Zoom
For incoming students from
Africa, Europe, & the Middle East

We hope you’ll join us virtually to welcome the Class of 2026 and their parents. Director of International Life Liz Cody will participate in this gathering. Wear your Carleton College gear to show your Carleton pride!

Hosts include Fred & Goretti Masadde P'25, Susan Charlie '23, Lettu Konshie '24, Muno Siyakurima '24, Ethan Masadde '25, Georgie Mukeshimana '25, Bennet Tefu '25, and Amadou Toure '25.

Cost: None.

Register by Monday, August 8 for this virtual gathering. We encourage parents or family to register for the gatherings separately from their students and use separate devices during the event if possible, as we will break into separate student and parent/family breakout rooms during the event. Parents and family are welcome to register for these gatherings even if their student is not able to participate, and vice versa.

We are having in-person events too! Check out our list of in-person locations across the US.

Questions? Contact Alumni Relations via email, at 800-729-2586, or 507-222-5204

Event Contact: Krista Herbstrith
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Virtual Summer Send-Off - Africa, Europe, & Middle East
  • Intended For: Students, Alums, Families
  • Categories: Gathering

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