Jan 12

Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club

Thu, January 12, 2023 • 8:00am - 9:00am (1h) • virtual

Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club

Future of Reproductive Rights Post Roe
with Val Jensen '87

Thursday, January 12, 2023
8 a.m. Central Time
via Zoom

Val Jensen '87 is the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Planned Parenthood North Central States. Within these five states—Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota—access to reproductive health care varies widely.

Val will discuss the status of reproductive health care, the difference between the abortion rights movement and the reproductive rights movement, and how the post-Roe legal landscape has been thrown into disarray. She will discuss her journey of understanding and how she believes the restriction of one group's civil rights threatens the civil rights of all.

Register by Wednesday, January 11  to participate in this Zoom event.

Cost: None.

Unable to join our live event? No problem—we will post a recording of the event on our Alumni Events Recordings page.

Questions? Contact Alumni Relations via email or 800-729-2586. To join the Carleton Breakfast Club email list, email alumni-office@carleton.edu and indicate you would like to be added to the Carleton Breakfast club email list.

Event Contact: Krista Herbstrith

Event Summary

Carleton Virtual Breakfast Club
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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