Jan 28
Winter Gathering in Austin
Sat, January 28, 2023
• 2:00pm
- 4:00pm (2h) • El Arroyo
1624 W 5th Street
Austin, TX 78703
Carls in Austin invite you to a
Winter Gathering
Saturday, January 28, 2023
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
El Arroyo
1624 W 5th Street
Austin, TX 78703
Hosts: Elizabeth Lewis ’02, Candace Williams ’73, Janet Davis ’86, Molly Ellsworth ’16, & Zach Rubin ’16
Please join Carleton alumni and parents to celebrate the new year with great Carleton conversation and reconnection.
We look forward to seeing you!
Costs: Purchase your own beverages. There will be a complementary Tex-Mex fajita buffet.
Register by Tuesday, January 24.
Directions and parking: Use Google Maps for directions. Parking is on site and behind El Arroyo.
Questions? Email Alumni Relations or call 800-729-2586.
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