Out After Carleton is currently looking for volunteers!
Out After Carleton currently has openings for alums and current students on the Board and is currently seeking volunteers. Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to Out After Carleton and to serving Carleton while representing the interests, concerns, and viewpoints of LGBTQIA+ and QTBIPOC+ alumni and friends. Composition of the Out After Carleton Board is determined in part by the current objectives of Out After Carleton (OAC), with an ongoing goal of maintaining as well as possible, a representative cross-section of Carleton’s LGBTQIA+ and QTBIPOC+ alumni across decades and geographic areas. The Out After Carleton (OAC) Board will vote to approve a final slate at their monthly meeting.
Out After Carleton is for all Carleton alumni, students, faculty, staff, family and friends who identify as LGBTQIA+, QTBIPOC+, or who are interested in being a part of this community. More than 700 people are now Out After Carleton members.
Why join?
- Help to build an alumni network which promotes learning, discovery, and scholarship about gender, sexual orientation, social justice, and the complexities of intersecting identities.
- Work with LGBTQIA+ and QTBIPOC+ alums across generations and across the county on topics of concern to LGBTQIA+ and QTBIPOC+ students and alums.
- Assist with coordinating alumni activities, including regional events, the Out After Carleton Reunion reception, and Family Reunions (held every four years).
- Serve as a link between Out After Carleton and current issues and events on campus.
- Assisting in a special project: interviewing alums for publications, posting events and activities on social media, etc.
- Gain experience working on a diverse committee with a shared purpose.
What are the time commitments for Board members?
- Spring on campus meeting – We meet on campus once a year for a Friday and Saturday to get updates on from campus leaders and to set goals for the year.
- Monthly full committee conference calls to discuss planning and keep us on track with goals