Oct 23
Out After Carleton at the SF Presidio Tunnel Tops
Out After Carleton at the Presidio Tunnel Tops
October 23, 2022
11:00 am - 2:00 p.m.
Tunnel Tops at the Presidio in San Francisco
210 Lincoln Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94129
Join us for a gathering of LGBTQI2S+ alumni, friends, and allies to reconnect and celebrate community at the new Tunnel Tops in the Presidio in San Francisco. We have tables reserved in the Picnic Place and we'll have refreshments. Explore the park and grab some food from one of the food trucks at the Tunnel Tops.
In addition, learn about the awesome plans in the works for the 7th Out After Carleton Family Reunion Sept. 30-October 1, 2023.
Cost: Free. Food is available for purchase at the food trucks.
RSVPs are appreciated by October 21. Click here to register.
Directions: Google Maps can be used for driving and public transit directions.
Questions? Contact Alumni Relations via email or 800-729-2586.
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