Steven Goldman ’72

28 August 1988

Class: 1972

Major: Sociology

Deceased: May 20, 1985

Steven Goldman, 35, Wyoming, an attorney with offices in the Tri-County Shopping Center area, died at Mercy Hospital, Fairfield, Ohio.

A graduate of the University of Cincinnatie College of Law, he was secretary of the R.A. Investment Corp. and did legal work for Bergstein Oil & Gas Co., both of which he operated from his office.

He was a member of the board of directors at Talbert House, Cincinnati, a member of the Citizens Advisory Board of Longview State Hospital, a member of the Valley Temple, and was active in the Charter Committee of Cincinnati.

He leaves his wife, Brigid Kennedy; his mother, Marjorie Goldman, Cincinnati; brothers, Michael and Jeffrey, both of Cincinnati; sisters, Betsy Resler, Cincinnati, Nancy Boynton, Minneapolis, Minn., and Sally Goldman, Philadelphia; and his grandmother, Edna Bergstein, Cincinnati.

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  • 2024-07-29 23:13:30
    David M. Bergstein

    Steven Goldman was my 1st cousin and more like an older brother. He was not only smart but a solid person who knew lots about people. He gave me some great advice that serves me to this day. Steven and his older brother Jeffrey were a real credit to their generation.

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