Stephen Hall ’63

14 March 2011

Class: 1963

Major: English

Residence: Minneapolis, MN

Deceased: March 7, 2011

A remembrance by Wendell Duffield

Steve and I travelled parallel paths for several years, then went separate ways for decades only to reconnect just a few years before his death. We were both scholarship boys at Phillips Exeter Academy, graduating in the spring of 1959. That fall, we were wet-behind-the-ears freshmen at Carleton. There, Steve was into hockey, cross country, and literature, while I played basketball, sang in the Carleton Church choir and studied rocks. Judged by what I find in my Algols, Steve graduated in three years, while we slower folks took the more customary four to earn that sheepskin.

Decades later, sometime in the early 2000s, we reconnected over a shared love of writing. (Yes, even a geologist is able to look far beyond rocks.) Plus, we were both Minnesota natives whose shared love of home state persisted even through decades of life. I remember Steve as a very bright and devoted person. I wish I had stayed connected with him during all those middle years.

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