Robert Hyatt ’73

8 April 2015
Robert Hyatt

Class: 1973

Major: Psychology

Residence: Hampton, VA

Deceased: May 13, 2013

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  • 2023-01-17 21:43:56
    Rebecca "Becky" Van Ness

    I remember the January of sophomore year, when Bob gave a group of us a ride from Evanston, Illinois (his hometown and mine) to Carleton in his big white van. We hoped to outrace a big snowstorm and get back to Carleton in time for winter term. Bob drove with determination through the very bad conditions that we (of course) encountered. Finally, when we could hardly see the road ahead, he said "Enough!" -- and we piled into a cheap motel for the night. I remember his patience and generosity in sharing the use of his van.
    After taking classes in computer science and astronomy at Carleton, Bob pursued a career in information technology. When he passed, gifts from his estate created the Robert Hyatt '73 Endowed Scholarship Fund. This fund has supported students especially in math, computer science, or other fields involving technology.

  • 2024-02-11 00:07:34
    Earline Lafleur

    What year was this Robert born?

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