Raymond McMillen ’71

12 August 1994

Class: 1971

Deceased: December 22, 1989

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  • 2021-06-13 22:49:18
    Jim Anthony

    I just discovered this In Memoriam page, and I’m working my way through our losses. Ray and I had some common roots in family upbringing that we learned to value. I regret that we didn’t have the internet back in the early 1970s. We lost touch. Sad to learn he died too soon. Thank you to Carleton for helping us learn facts that we otherwise might never now. Ray, you are gone but not forgotten. - Jim

  • 2021-12-22 10:53:14
    Tricia Carlstrom

    Hi Jim, I am just coming across this page for the first time. I am Ray's daughter and so appreciated your kind words. Thank you!

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