Eddisa Herrera ’16

20 March 2019

Class: 2016

Major: Sociology/Anthropology

Residence: Berwyn, IL

Deceased: December 21, 2018



  • 2022-08-06 15:00:08
    Todd '16

    Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I miss your light in this world. I miss our moments of dancing salsa and bachata. I miss our walks and appreciation of trees. You are a beautiful soul, now held in the arms of God. I will keep being just as you told me, I'll keep dancing just as if you are here as my partner. I love you DD. Until we meet again, keep dancing. Posse love.

  • 2022-08-06 15:01:36
    From a classmate

    Eddisa, I never knew you as well as I would have liked, but I remember well the many conversations we had over the years. Your fierce independence of spirit and your passion for justice always shone bright. You are missed more than you can imagine.

  • 2022-08-06 15:03:16
    From a loving friend

    Eddisa, two of the things I will always remember about you are your fearlessness and self-confidence. Not just for the magnitudes in which you had them, but the ways you used them to help the others around you and bring out the same qualities in them. Whether it be through bigger steps like helping lower income families become homeowners and develop financial literacy in your work after Carleton. Or in the small things like being the only one to step up and ask a group of Carls deep into an intense nerf gun flight to let us use the lounge because no one else in our group of friends felt comfortable enough to say anything. You always had such a strong voice, and helped me, and so many others find our own. I love you and miss you, but I know that I carry with me so much strength that you helped me find.

  • 2022-08-06 15:04:35
    From a classmate

    Eddisa was a person of conviction who had a strong moral center. She knew right from wrong as was not afraid of conflict. If you had a class with her (as I sometimes did), you had better be ready to back up your argument during a discussion. Carleton was a better place for her presence and academic contributions.

  • 2022-08-06 15:05:40
    From a friend

    Eddisa was so incredibly filled with light that she electrified any space she was in. She was kind, strong willed, and freaking hilarious. She made this world a more fun and awesome place. She will be so missed, but will continue to effect the lives positively of so many. You're the best Eddisa!

  • 2022-08-06 15:05:54


    Remember the time you taught me about the importance of good form in the gym? It still makes me laugh...I was a hot mess and you were not going to let that stand. That's the kind of friend you are- someone who looks out for others, who will give their time and energy to helping others grow and succeed with kindness, empathy, and the best sense of humor along the way. You are so missed.

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