David Pierce ’64

5 June 2018

Class: 1964

Major: Mathematics

Residence: Sunnyvale, CA

Deceased: May 14, 2018

Alumni survivors: Joel F. Pierce, Esq. ’68 (Sibling)

Following a time in the academic community as a faculty member in the University of Missouri’s Department of Statistics, David Pierce found a way to use his mathematics major and his University of Wisconsin statistics PhD to combine pure and applied research within the Federal Reserve System. He worked on methods for statistical forecasting of variables such as money and interest rates, and for methods for seasonal adjustment and data quality evaluation.
In the years around 1990 he became very interested in metaphysics and psychic consultation reiki, breathwork and past-life regression, setting up his own website – transformationalliving.com. After retiring from the Fed in 2000, he joined a rural intentional community near Gettysburg, PA in 2002 (HundredfoldFarm.org), in appreciation of green and self-sufficient living and being in a community. This is still a thriving community and about half of the people still there knew David. This is a tribute published on their Facebook page.

“It is with heavy hearts we share with you the news of the passing of David Pierce. David was an early member of Hundredfold Farm and one of the first four homebuilders. He was an amazingly sweet man who showed up at the Hundredfold Farm doorstep at a time when our future was uncertain. His timely arrival and wholehearted participation helped to assure that the dream of Hundredfold Farm became the reality.
Ben, a neighbor of David’s here at Hundredfold Farm, said, “I’m sad to know I’ll never have another chance to bump into him — but not mournful for his sake. If there was ever anybody on this earth who was equipped to go off into the universe as a cloud of energy, exploring the cosmos in some kind of gorgeous new-age adventure, it was David. From past-life regressions to talks of touring the metaphysical time/space continuum as an out-of-body astral projection, I know that this is just another phase in his cosmic journey. Anomer step forward along his wonderfully mystical path.” Ben’s brother, Sam, added, “I hope the cosmic journey contains berry patches, as I recall often encountering David far afield on the farm, harvesting in curious corners. I’m sorry he has left us, but happy he was with his family these last years.”

“David, we are thankful that you chose to spend a portion of your journey here with us at Hundredfold Farm. As your journey continues, we wish you fair winds and following seas.”

As David recounted in our 50th reunion book, he married in 1967, had two children, and divorced in 1983. His son earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, but sadly, shortly thereafter, died from colon cancer. His daughter is a consultant in accounting information systems in California. He delighted in his three granddaughters. His daughter Laura wrote. “We are so grateful that he made the decision 3 years ago to move out to California to be closer to our family. We have enjoyed so much all of the time we have been able to spend together during the past years, all of the meals we have enjoyed, the talks and games, and I am so grateful my daughters have gotten to know their grandpa so well. We will miss him.”
Two quick notes: David’s 60th birthday found him on a family canoe trip in the Minnesota boundary waters, And David’s brother Joel graduated from Carleton four years after him. As Joel said, if David had not gone to Carleton, I likely would have gone somewhere else.

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