David Herron ’64

13 February 2024
David Herron

Class: 1964

Major: Chemistry

Residence: Bloomington, IN

Deceased: October 27, 2023


Dave Herron graduated from Ottawa Hills High School in Toledo, Ohio. At Carleton, he graduated magna cum laude in chemistry.

He finished his PhD in Life Sciences at the Rockefeller University in New York City in 1969. He participated in postdoc study in organic chemistry at Harvard University from the famed E. J. Corey.

Dave worked as a pharmaceutical chemist at Eli Lilly and Company for 30 years, focusing on research.  

After he retired, he and his wife traveled to Switzerland, Tasmania and other parts of Australia, plus many parts of Alaska and England.

Dave started long-distance running in 1977 and completed well more than 20 marathons.

He taught himself to build and program small robots.

He loved to play chess, entering a few tournaments every year.

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