Posts tagged with “Visual Art” (All posts)
Carleton Connects: Andrew Kim ’92 and giant puppets
14 April 2023
Join Andrew Kim ’92 for a conversation about creativity, community engagement, and his artistic career.

Carleton Connects: Six Carleton artists
8 April 2021
Three retiring art faculty and three exceptional art alumni discuss their work and their connections

Carleton Connects: Treasures from the Special Collections
13 May 2020
Professors of art and English offer a staff-guided tour of Carleton’s hidden riches.

Carleton Connects: Connole and Ottaway on the Public Works Initiative
12 February 2019
Professors Kelly Connole and Susannah Ottaway discuss a program that connects Carleton and its neighbors through the arts and humanities.

Carleton Connects: Kelly Connole on collaborating through clay
16 May 2017
“Clay Collaborations: How Teaching and Practice Inform One and Other”

Carleton Connects: Professor David Lefkowitz ’85, Studio Art
3 June 2014
Quasi-Fictional Places: The Nirthfolde Visitors’ Bureau and Other Original Facsimiles

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