Posts tagged with “Social Networks” (All posts)
Carleton Connects: Mario Small ’96 on neighborhoods, financial access, and racial inequality
25 March 2022
A distinguished scholar of social networks and urban neighborhoods discusses the financial geography of our nation and the importance of race to the accessibility of conventional banks.

Carleton Connects: Connole and Ottaway on the Public Works Initiative
12 February 2019
Professors Kelly Connole and Susannah Ottaway discuss a program that connects Carleton and its neighbors through the arts and humanities.

Carleton Connects: Shaohua Guo, Asian Languages & Literatures
13 May 2016
“The Internet with ‘Chinese Characteristics’: Looking through the Cultural Lens”

Carleton Connects: Professor Devashree Gupta & Ed Bice ’88, Poli Sci
30 January 2013
Prof. Devashree Gupta & Ed Bice ’88 present “Meet Me At the Corner of Facebook and Twitter: Social Movements and Protest in the Digital Era”

Carleton Connects: Professor David Liben-Nowell, Computer Science
18 April 2012
Tie game: Making connections with social networks

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