Posts tagged with “Learning Technology” (All posts)
Carleton Connects: Serena Zabin on The Boston Massacre: A Family History
A professor of American history shares her groundbreaking new account of this famous event.
Carleton Connects: Ussery, Fortin, and Ondich on the Dakota language
Linguistics and Computer Science professors team up with students to track, analyze, and improve Dakota language education.
Carleton Connects: Jim McCorkell ’90 on improving access to college
The founder of a hugely successful education-centered nonprofit discusses college access and success for lower-income students.
Carleton Connects: Gretchen Hofmeister ’85 on the new Science Center
Join Carleton Connects and Gretchen Hofmeister ’85, Assoc. Dean of the College, for an introduction and live tour of the construction site.
Carleton Connects: Michael Martin ’09 (RapidSOS)
Join Carleton Connects as we host guest Michael Martin ’09, founder and CEO of RapidSOS, an advanced emergency tech start-up
Carleton Connects: Presidents Steven Poskanzer & David Anderson
“Broadening the Bridge”: Carleton and St. Olaf Collaborations
Carleton Connects: Professor Greg Marfleet, Political Science
Carleton College’s Future Learning Technologies Initiative
Carleton Connects: Professor Susannah Ottaway ’89, History
Carleton’s Humanity Center
Carleton Connects: Professor David Liben-Nowell, Computer Science
Tie game: Making connections with social networks
Carleton Connects: The Weitz Center for Creativity
Director of the Arts Steve Richardson, Professor Greg Marfleet, and Professor Ruth Weiner will discuss their plans and reactions to the newly opened Weitz Center for Creativity.
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