While the liberal arts remain the focus of a Carleton education, student interest in entrepreneurship has created amazing opportunities for engagement both inside and outside of the classroom. Join Carleton Connects for a conversation with Professor Bruce Dalgaard,who teaches entrepreneurship through a lens of economic theory, and Sabastian Mugazambi ’17, a 2017 fellow from the Carleton Start-Up Fellowship Competition who is currently navigating the applied side of entrepreneurship through his start-up company, Adisa.
This program took place on Wednesday, April 26, 2017
About the Speakers
Bruce Dalgaard (Ph.D., Illinois) has held teaching positions at Lehigh University, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and, most recently, St. Olaf College. He’s also had international appointments at Chiba University (Fulbright Scholar) and Waseda University (ACM Japan Study Director), HES in Rotterdam, and the Norwegian School of Economics. His scholarly activity is varied, ranging from an AER article on computer-assisted instruction, to numerous economic and financial history books and articles, to a college-level money & banking textbook. Currently he is actively researching the interplay of entrepreneurship and religion in Norway’s early modern period. You will often find him walking his dog in the Arb. He also enjoys sports and is eager to attend athletic events on campus.
He has been teaching at Carleton since 2012 where he is a Visiting Professor of Economics.
Sabastian Mugazambi ’17 is a senior computer science/mathematics double major from Harare, Zimbabwe. Originally intending to be an economics or political science major, Sabastian found computer science to be deeply compelling after taking an introductory course. It is with those skills that Sabastian joined with fellow classmate Claire Tagoe ’18 to co-found Adisa, an e-commerce platform that bridges a gap between consumers and African artisans. A finalist for this year’s Carleton Start-Up Competition, Sabastian has been balancing research and work for his company with the demands of being a full-time Carleton student