Interested in other faculty research and on-campus issues? Check out the Learning and Teaching Center video archives.
Carleton Connects: Mark Applebaum ’89 and musical decomposition
A composer and teacher discusses his unusual musical path

Carleton Connects: Michael McNally & Native American religious freedom
A professor of religion discusses the struggle to protect Native American sacred places and practices

Carleton Connects: Six Carleton artists
Three retiring art faculty and three exceptional art alumni discuss their work and their connections

Carleton Connects: Mary Easter on writing, dance, and family
An emerita professor discusses her new books, her family’s and our nation’s history, and her life in the arts

Carleton Connects: Elisabeth Steele Hutchison ’96 on feeling awesome
A professional shares her tips for leveling up your Zoom game

Carleton Connects: Nancy Braker ’81 and the Arb in winter
Carleton’s Director of the Cowling Arboretum leads a live online winter tour

Carleton Connects: Smith, Maxbauer, and Kallas on climate change
Three professors (two at Carleton and one alumnus) discuss the effects of rocks, bacteria, and politics on the future of our climate

Carleton Connects: Alex Knodell & Liza Davis ’16 on Greek archaeology
A professor of classics and a former student discuss their excavations and investigations of ancient Greek societies

Carleton Connects: Jonathan Capehart ’89 on what matters now
A preeminent journalist shares his thoughts on politics and the state of our nation

Carleton Connects: Treasures from the Special Collections
Professors of art and English offer a staff-guided tour of Carleton’s hidden riches.

- 20th Century Music
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