Interested in other faculty research and on-campus issues? Check out the Learning and Teaching Center video archives.

Carleton Connects: Mark Applebaum ’89 and musical decomposition

12 October 2021

A composer and teacher discusses his unusual musical path

Mark Applebaum '89

Carleton Connects: Michael McNally & Native American religious freedom

21 September 2021

A professor of religion discusses the struggle to protect Native American sacred places and practices

Michael McNally, professor of religion

Carleton Connects: Six Carleton artists

8 April 2021

Three retiring art faculty and three exceptional art alumni discuss their work and their connections

Ambrin Ling, As Elsewhere, As Horizon (Skyscape Study 1) (2020).

Carleton Connects: Mary Easter on writing, dance, and family

24 March 2021

An emerita professor discusses her new books, her family’s and our nation’s history, and her life in the arts

Mary Easter, professor emerita

Carleton Connects: Elisabeth Steele Hutchison ’96 on feeling awesome

24 February 2021

A professional shares her tips for leveling up your Zoom game

Elisabeth Steele Hutchison '96. Photo by Neven Krcmarek | Unsplash (

Carleton Connects: Nancy Braker ’81 and the Arb in winter

21 January 2021

Carleton’s Director of the Cowling Arboretum leads a live online winter tour

Nancy Braker '81, Puzak Family Director of the Cowling Arboretum

Carleton Connects: Smith, Maxbauer, and Kallas on climate change

11 December 2020

Three professors (two at Carleton and one alumnus) discuss the effects of rocks, bacteria, and politics on the future of our climate

Dan Maxbauer, Kim Smith, and Toivo Kallas

Carleton Connects: Alex Knodell & Liza Davis ’16 on Greek archaeology

11 November 2020

A professor of classics and a former student discuss their excavations and investigations of ancient Greek societies

Professor Alex Knodell and Liza Davis '16

Carleton Connects: Jonathan Capehart ’89 on what matters now

13 October 2020

A preeminent journalist shares his thoughts on politics and the state of our nation

Jonathan Capehart '89 (from Facebook)

Carleton Connects: Treasures from the Special Collections

13 May 2020

Professors of art and English offer a staff-guided tour of Carleton’s hidden riches.

from Julie Chen,*Panorama* (Flying Fish Press, 2008). Used by permission.