Interested in other faculty research and on-campus issues? Check out the Learning and Teaching Center video archives.
Carleton Connects: Professor Bill North, History
Uncharted Waters or a Remembrance of Things Past? Medieval Perspectives on Papal Abdication

Carleton Connects: Bruce Whitehouse ’93 & Prof. Cherif Keita, French
Mali’s Trajectory from Donor Darling to Failed State

Carleton Connects: Professor Devashree Gupta & Ed Bice ’88, Poli Sci
Prof. Devashree Gupta & Ed Bice ’88 present “Meet Me At the Corner of Facebook and Twitter: Social Movements and Protest in the Digital Era”

Carleton Connects: Professor Cindy Blaha, Physics & Astronomy
Visual Astronomy: There’s More Than Meets The Eye

Carleton Connects: Fred Rogers ’72, Vice President & Treasurer
Vice President and Treasurer Fred Rogers ’72 presents “Carleton in Context: The Costs of Higher Education”

Carleton Connects: John Harris ’85 & Prof. Steven Schier, Poli Sci
The 2012 Presidential Election: What’s Happening and Why

Carleton Connects: Professor Susan Jaret McKinstry, English
What is VIZ? Visualizing the Liberal Arts (VIZ) at Carleton

Carleton Connects: Professor Seth Greenberg, Psychology
Let’s Face It: Not all Faces Are Treated Equally

Carleton Connects: Professor David Liben-Nowell, Computer Science
Tie game: Making connections with social networks

Carleton Connects: Professor Roy Grow, Political Science
North Korea and Iran: The ‘Axis of Evil’ and American Foreign Policy

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