Updates From the Program Committee:

23 June 2023

The Program Committee has been busily working to come up with a set of interesting and stimulating activities for our reunion. We have a variety of activities in the works, from panels to poetry and from tours to talks. Right now, we are asking for your input on several activities.

In particular, we are planning: 

  • A session of brief (10-minute) talks by classmates who want to talk about some life experience they have had. If you have something you’d like to share, please contact either Tom Phelps or Paul Epton.
  • A “book club” session with dedicated tables at one of the lunches. There will be too many people for just one discussion, so we will have a set of books from which you can choose based on your interest. Right now, we’re looking for book suggestions. If you have a book you think would be of interest to a group of classmates, please send the title and author to Dwight Dewsnap, George Clabon, or Bruce Bradley.
  • A “memory tour” of campus. There have been many changes on campus, some visible from the outside, some not. If you have something you would particularly like to see, let Phil Brown know. (Unfortunately, the tunnels are now inaccessible due to the complete redo of the heating and cooling system.)
  • A poetry reading session one evening after dinner, led by George Clabon, our own published poet. If you have written poetry you’d like to share, contact George or Jean Webb.

Program Committee Chairs:  Phil Brown, Tom Phelps

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