A collection of photos of classmates and events on campus during our Carleton years was first launched for our 40th reunion in 2014, and the photo galleries have grown considerably since that time. We have used the popular Flickr photo sharing site for this project, and there are currently over 500 photos for viewing or downloading.
We invite you to take a visual tour down memory lane to find photos of the people, places, and events that were special to us during our years in Northfield. Among other things, you will find colorized versions of our freshman year Zoobook and Algol from senior year, a series of images titled “Do You Remember”, photos from the Carleton archives, images taken during concerts and events, and photos from past reunions. Here is a link to our Flickr photo stream—these are public galleries, and so you do not need a log-in to view the photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121048664@N04
We will continue to add to the galleries in the months before our reunion in June, 2024, and we would love to get some new photos from classmates. If you have any photos in your old albums that were taken while we were on campus or more recent photos of classmates taken during reunions or other get togethers, we will be happy to post them if you are willing to share them. Send them to us at 50thReunion@carleton.edu.